1,500+ customers rate us with 4.6 stars
The only full-service storage provider
Storing without the hassle: BOXIE24 picks up your items and stores them in a secure warehouse near you. Have your items delivered at your convenience.
Prices & BookingBOXIE24 vs traditional Self Storage

Other storage providers
Only pay for the space you really use
It can be hard to estimate the required storage size. If you booked more space than you actually use, we will adjust the rate for you accordingly. Need some of your items back? Only pay for the remaining space.
Transport service from €0*
Let us do the heavy lifting for you. This service is free of charge for 1-4m2 from the ground floor.
Return service within 24 hours**
Convenient delivery of your items on short notice. Either to your doorstep or inside.
Partial return possible
Let us know which items you need. You have an unlimited number of partial returns. And we will immediately adjust the storage space you pay for based on your actual needs.
Storage areas from 1 m² to 200 m²
Small or big, we have every unit size available at any point. Only pay for the space you really need.
No deposit required
Keep the money in your pocket. We do not require a deposit payment from any of our customers.
Basic insurance included
Every customer is covered under our basic insurance free of charge. You can opt for additional insurance packages.
A customer-first approach
Having your storage unit is really convenient, but driving there and storing it all — not so much.
That’s why we decided to create a service based on your needs, designed to make your life easier. Our service covers all the logistics of renting a storage unit and allows you to just sit there and wait for the doorbell to ring.
Meet the BOXIE24 Team
We handpick our team so they align with our values and always put your interests first. Our professional movers love helping and will do all the hard-work for you, so don’t hesitate asking for anything you need.
Rely on the years of experience our professional movers have accumulated through thousands of pickups and deliveries.
Trustworthy, attentive & experienced